Erin as a Podcast Producer


Together with his partner Lee, Erin is half of Passer Vulpes Productions, a podcast production house in Melbourne, specializing in audio fiction. Producing high quality and uniquely Australian shows, Passer Vulpes Productions creates everything from sweet romance to science fiction, from years-long serials to two minute shorts.

Erin wears a lot of hats with Passer Vulpes Productions - he is a writer, a producer, a director, an editor, a sound designer, and so much more. Accessibility is also a huge focus for him in his podcast work, and all the Passer Vulpes Productions shows are made with care towards accessbility at every step, from including access for disabled team members during production to making sure every episode has captions available on YouTube at release.



Love and Luck

Love and Luck is Australia’s first LGBT audio drama podcast. It’s a sweet queer love story with a touch of magic, told via voicemails.

The story is about people who fall in love, learn they have magic powers, and use those powers to support and protect their community. The good guys win, no one dies, and queer people of all types are all loved and valued.

Made for people who like healthy relationships and happy endings, Love and Luck’s goal is to bring a few minutes of warmth and happiness to listeners once a week.

Set in Melbourne, Australia in the present day, the world of Love and Luck is populated with many real life queer Melbourne people, events and places alongside its fictional characters.

For more information on Love and Luck, check out the website at

Supernatural Sexuality with Dr Seabrooke

Supernatural Sexuality with Dr Seabrooke is a fictional sex and romance advice radio show set in a world where monsters are real.  

Monsters and humans alike call in to noted folklorist, sexologist and relationship therapist Dr Olivia Seabrooke for help in finding ways forward on the issues that spring up in relationships where people’s needs, cultures and bodies are radically different. It’s for people who want diverse relationships, real advice, and happy endings. The world can seem hard and hopeless, but on this show, there is always a way forward, even if it’s hard to see at first.

For more information on Supernatural Sexuality, check out the website at

Nym's Nebulous Notions

Nym's Nebulous Notions is a quirky SciFi audio drama podcast about conspiracies, context, and jumping to conclusions.

In it, we follow our intrepid conspiracy investigator Nym as she seeks The Truth about a mysterious signal that she's intercepted.

Nym's Nebulous Notions will take you to a mysterious ship abandoned in the dead of space, and then ask you what exactly you expected to find there.

For more information on Nym's Nebulous Notions, check out the website at

Passer Vulpes Presents

Passer Vulpes Presents is a collection of assorted short or one-off audio pieces produced by Passer Vulpes Productions outside of our longform shows.

Soundscaped poetry, audio drama vignettes, short stories and more can be found in Passer Vulpes Presents.

For more information on Passer Vulpes Presents, check out its page on the Passer Vulpes website, at

Floodlight Viscera

Floodlight Viscera is a personal poetry mini zine about feelings, written and read by Erin Kyan and released on the 21st of each month.

FLV is written with little to no filter and minimally edited and rehearsed, in order to encourage a more raw and... well, visceral connection to the audience.

More information, as well as issues and episodes, can be found via the website, at