Audio Art @ EWF

Oh my goodness, I'm so excited to let you all know that alongside some amazing audio artists, I will be showcasing a new piece of audio art at Late Night Lit as a part of the Emerging Writers Festival!  The theme is "Yesterday", and folks, the piece I have made for this event is some of my best work, I am so proud of it.

The event is 9pm on June 20, at the Loop bar and project space in the CBD.  It's completely free to attend, so if you're able, you should definitely come check it out!  It's going to be a wonderful night!

The Malthouse!!

Well friends, exciting news today - I, as part of Quippings, will be performing at the Malthouse Theatre on June 15, as part of the Emerging Writers Festival!  Quippings is taking on LOVE, and we're gonna throw ourselves into it with as much passion as we possibly can!

You can get all the details and buy tickets over on the EWF's website.  It's going to be an amazing night and I really hope you come along!