Raunch Monstrosity is Now Free!

Hello friends! It’s been a while. I’ve had a very rough time lately and I’m not likely to be particularly prolific again anytime soon. However I’m taking good care of myself, and to celebrate the new year I thought I’d spread some monsterfucking cheer.

Raunch Monstrosity is now completely free to read and download over via raunchmonster.com. Enjoy :)

Floodlight Viscera Volume 3 Now Available!

Floodlight Viscera Volume 3 is now available in pixels and print! All FLV issues from September 2018 to August 2019 in one convenient package.

A lovely a5 copy is available for $15 for those who want it, and if you'd rather not have some paper but you'd like to support my lil zine anyway, you can buy a digital anthology for $2.

Floodlight Viscera #36 Now Available!

It's zine day!  FLV36 is now available in pixels, print, and podcast!  Read a free digital copy online via floodlightviscera.combuy a physical copy for $2 via etsy, or listen to me read the issue via the podcast!

With issue 36, we come to the end of volume 3!  I will try and have anthology options available for purchase before next month's issue!

A Thank You Poem

Something a little bit different today - I wrote a thank you poem for Elena Fernández-Collins and Wil Williams, two of the best and sweetest journalists in the podcasting industry.  Both of them have contributed so much both to the industry and to my own life, I just hope they know how much I appreciate them.  You can read the poem, or listen to audio of me reading it, here.