Passer Vulpes Presents Now Live!

You may recall that we at Passer Vulpes Productions have had something called Passer Vulpes Presents “coming soon” for some time now - well, it’s finally time!

Passer Vulpes Presents is a new podcast feed where we’ll be putting our audio shorts and experiments - one off works that have no other home. This way we can actually share them with you!

To launch the feed, we’ve opened with probably my favourite short work I’ve made in audio. It’s a two minute audio drama vignette called “Memorial”, and it’s about two people reuniting under unusual circumstances. It stars the incredible Nikki Viveca as Jess, and was sound designed and scored by the incredible Maize Wallin. It was my absolute pleasure to work with these people and I’m so happy with how the result turned out!

You can listen to Memorial here, or wherever you get your podcasts - or with captions on YouTube.

Audio Art @ EWF

Oh my goodness, I'm so excited to let you all know that alongside some amazing audio artists, I will be showcasing a new piece of audio art at Late Night Lit as a part of the Emerging Writers Festival!  The theme is "Yesterday", and folks, the piece I have made for this event is some of my best work, I am so proud of it.

The event is 9pm on June 20, at the Loop bar and project space in the CBD.  It's completely free to attend, so if you're able, you should definitely come check it out!  It's going to be a wonderful night!

Floodlight Viscera Podcast Now Available!

Hello friends!

Floodlight Viscera, my monthly poetry mini zine about feelings, is now available to you in podcast form!  Minimally edited, minimally rehearsed, FLV is my raw feelings straight from my heart to yours.  If you need transcripts, the pdf version of the zine can be found for free via (and you can buy a physical copy for $1, if you like).


Queer Out Here!

Queer Out Here is a new audio zine, about queers and queerness and the great outdoors.  It's a beautiful and incredibly varied selection of pieces, from all kinds of queer people from all over the world, in all different types of the outdoors.

I have a short piece in Issue One - an excerpt that I read from my own little zine, Floodlight Viscera issue 12.  I have added sound to it to support the poetry in a new way, to bring it new dimension.

Queer Out Here is completely free for you to listen to - check out issue one now!

New Audio!

With another amazing Midsumma done and dusted, once again I've come to make sure that if you were unable to come to a show, you can still hear my spoken word!

Head on over to the updated spoken word audio page for audio and transcripts of the two pieces I performed at Midsumma this month, as well as many pieces from years before!

IDPWD Radio Appearance

Hello friends! Yesterday was the International Day of People with a Disability, and 3CR community radio had special programming including disabled people ALL DAY. My friend Kermie and I were guests of the always wonderful Sally Goldner on Out of the Pan. If you missed it live, you can still catch it online on 3CR's website!

Love and Luck News!

Friends, I have so much exciting news for you about my upcoming audio drama podcast!

The trailer is now available, so you can listen to it and subscribe via your favourite platform.  Here's a link to the Love and Luck new post about it, which has links to all the places you can listen - itunesyoutubestitcherpocketcastspodbean, and the direct RSS feed.

We're also having a special preview event as part of the Melbourne Fringe Festival!  We're going to play the first FIVE episodes of the season (two more than will be available at launch!) at the wonderful Hares and Hyenas, on the 18th of September at 9pm.  Get all the details and buy tickets over on the MFF website.

Spoken Word Audio Now Available!

Hello friends!  I am very happy to let you know that I now have two recordings of my spoken word available for you to listen to on my website, and I will be adding to these over the comings months.  So if you've been unable to come hear me read in person, you can at least have me in your speakers!

Head on over to the Spoken Word Audio page to give them a listen!